For those that know me well, they know I can be a runaway horse. A little wild, a little untamed, slightly spontaneous, sometimes flighty, sometimes I walk to the beat of my own drum.
I certainly am a mixed bag of goods. We often joke about me needing a saddle. I have so many creative ideas and endeavors I want to be, do and have. That’s why I have started building a small group of super organised ladies around me to help me get everything out of my head and into measurable action, so I don’t either: fluff around and get nothing done, or burnout. There is no in-between with me.
So far today instead of knuckling down, I have heated my heat bag 3x times. made 2 cups of tea and only half drunk both. Looked more at the Met Gala images than my emails and got lost in a wormhole of watching lip sync battles from back in the day. Highly entertaining but not on track for what “organised Gayle” had in her default diary to do this morning.
You see, last week I had some incredibly exciting and nerve-racking meetings about phase 2 of Soul Care Bendigo. I can still feel the power of the enthusiasm and the potential of what we are going to build. The excitable and nerve-racking feelings are still swirling through my body like an electric current. Hence why I am up and down from my computer desk and moving around a lot.
I have always said my gravestone will say “Here lays Gayle, easily distracted - SQUIRREL!!!” IYKYK.
I am a ball of mixed emotions and hesitations. I am grateful though, that even when I am feeling this way, I understand that I have the ability to change it for myself.
For the process of writing this blog and also my book. I have found I need to create small “activation” rituals to keep me focused and in good stead for momentum.
I need to find inner peace and calm. For me that looks doing some big moving activities to help move the energy on and channel it somewhere. Today that was simple getting the old spray and wipe out and doing all the benches and the table. I did some bench pushups and some star jumps. Things activities help to use up some of the high energy and wear we out a little. Then I go back to what gets me in the zone. A filled-up water bottle. A soothing focus music track I use EVERY single time on Spotify to write too, and I light a candle by the computer. These 4 things - big movements, hydration, a scented candle and soft (non lyrical music) all help my brain to switch out of nervous system overstimulation and into “Right, time to get shit done”
These 4 things are cues straight to my brain that it is go time. I’ve built it up as part of my muscle memory. These small rituals all help my brain to recognise the routine and cue an inner dialogue “Oh I know what it means when she does these things.” “I know what I have to do”
Its like all the parts of me are communicating at once. My breathe slows down, my hands go into automatic pilot. I am settled. I am grounded.
If this feels like you sometimes too, see if you can find 4 things that you do EVERY single time you need to switch into gear.
E.V.E.R.Y. T.I.M.E - I promise it; it will help make you be more productive and set you in good stead to be effective and efficient.
Take care everybody and enjoy your week ahead. As always, thank you for reading.