Where do all the socks go"? Look at this sh*t show

Blog 10:  Where do all the socks go"?

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Where do all the socks go"? Look at this sh*t show

Up until about 2 years ago our sock life was so organised and on point. Everything matched and all was well in the world.

But a dis-ease has settled in and it sh*ts me to tears. I may have been heard saying something in the relm of “ Where the f*ck! have all the socks gone.” To which the children blankly stare at me. I might waffle on with an added unhelpful extended line like “Well, they don’t have bloody legs so they can’t just run away.” (Although that would be handy as then they would run to the laundry all by themselves.)

Sometimes I am so annoyed, I do something wild like, lift up the mattress in the preteen and teens bedrooms… I know, I know - I’m very brave. And “Aha” Yes, there might be a sock rolled into a tiny ball to help with the dilemma. I just can’t understand it. Me, my husband and our youngest, our sock game is strong with hardly an odd sock.

Do you know what I blame, *sleep-overs. Yup, the humble sleep over. I seem to often have random shorts, t-shirts and jocks in my laundry. As mums we are well aware of what we have brought from our Target trips and we know when there is something we have never seen before in the washing. The kids don’t seem to care, they happily go about wearing other people things. I say “you need to hand that back” to their reply…. “they know I have it, it’s all good. I’m not handng over clothes at school in front of everyone.” Now, it’s my turn to blankly stare.

But the socks… that honestly does my head in.

I have an idea.. maybe I organise a sock catch up, because I’m sure this sock situation is happening at other people’s house. I think for any of our single pringle socks we have here, there is a partner at a friends house just longing to be reunited with it’s mate.

I’m at the point of just putting similar socks together, but i’m fussy about the pairs. Try as I might, I can’t do the double colour. I Just can’t.. something happens to my brain when I try to put on one coloured sock and one white sock. It’s unnerving. I wish I could be that loosey goosey.

I’m also going out to say, if there is a hole, It’s going straight in the bin… no darning over here. Is anyone still repairing socks?? It’s such a weird texture once it has been repaired. Good for you if you are. Power to you :)

Hang on - I’ve got it…. everyone goes barefoot to sleepovers.


I’m an genius.


That is all.




Take care everybody and enjoy your week ahead. As always, thank you for reading.


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